Now in real life, President Bush appointed 325 federal judges during his
8 years as President, including 2 Supreme Court justices. Those were John G Roberts and Samuel Alito. Of the 28 judges appointed in his last year
in office, an election year, only one was approved by less than a unanimous
vote. Even though Democrats hated Dubya,
they still did their Constitutional duty and, offering "advice and
consent", approved his appointees.
The one judge that didn't get unanimously approved was Helene
White. The vote was 63-32 to appoint her
to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. It
was not along party lines, but due to
purported anomalies in her nomination process.
Bush had made a deal with Democrats to get some of his other nominations
Democrats held a small majority in the Senate
in 2008 -- 51 to 49. Since Supreme Court
Justices only need a majority vote to be confirmed, the Democrats, if they
voted together, could withhold confirmation of any of Dubya's nominees. But they did not. John Roberts was confirmed by a vote of 78-22
and Samuel Alito was confirmed by a vote of 58-42. In Alito's case, at least 9 Democrats voted
to confirm him. Clearly, Democrats, for the most part, can't be accused of
being radical, or of "making Bush a one-term President" or of
blocking anything and everything he put forth.
Lots of things got done during Dubya's last year in office.
Okay, back to Fantasy Politics.
How likely is it that Democrats, that liberals, or the
liberal media would claim RBG was murdered by Bush so that he could cement a
conservative majority on the Supreme Court?
How likely is it that Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader in 2008, would have announced within hours of
her death that President Bush should not nominate anyone, but should let his
successor do it. How likely is it that
he would vow to block any nomination
by the lame duck President?
If you think any of that is likely, you truly live in a
Fantasy World.