Friday, October 27, 2023

The Problem Is With The Human Heart

I tuned in the other day (has it been 2 or 3 days ago now?) to watch some political news and all I got on any channel was the mass shooting in the safest state in the country, Maine. For three days (or two? -- seems like weeks!) there's been nothing but rehashing of the same reporters at the same scenes, and interviews with survivors and loved ones. But the right wing is right: gun laws won't stop this shit. But the right wing is still responsible for it because they are the ones who've been mongering the hatred.

The new House Speaker is a radical evangelical christianist and his take on the problem is that it is in the human heart. But he's so loving and kind he would never condemn anyone. Unless of course they were gay, married to someone of their own sex, had an abortion, changed their sexual identity, or were an atheist or a Muslim or a Hindu or a pagan or a Black or a Jew. Those people, in his estimation, are equivalent to folks who have sex with their dogs.

It's a problem with the human heart, all right. It's the "I'm right, and you're wrong" syndrome and their answer is: believe my way or go to Hell.

We can vote those guys out, though. And if nobody gets out their guns to enforce a change in the electoral count, we'll have a Democratic House, Senate, and President next year. You think that problem with the human heart will accept a loss? They haven't yet accepted their last 3 losses: 2018, 2020, and 2022.

I'm reading Rachel Maddow's new book, Prequel. I'm learning a lot about the mood in this country during the run-up to World War II. The Germans had people here in the USA who were on Hitler's side and wanted us to stay out of Europe's war. "Europe for Europeans; America for Americans." There has been no change in the bigotry, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, homophobia, islamophobia, and xenophobia in the last 100 years. Hell, in the last million years. We, as humans, have always hated our neighbors. It's that "human heart" thing.

So, I will turn off the teevy and work on my "semi-autobiographical historical novel". My human heart will enjoy that a lot more.

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