Friday, May 5, 2017

Notes on the American Health Care Act of 2017

Definition of terms.

Democrats: people who are progressives, young and old, wealthy and poor, male and female, white and other shades, religious and non-religious, straight and of other sexual orientations.

Republicans: people who are conservatives, young and old, wealthy and poor, male and female, white and other shades, religious and non-religious, straight and of other sexual orientations.

Repugnicans: people who are white, rich, radical christian supremacists who consider themselves better and more American than anybody else.

Congratulations Repugnicans!  You've made "American" a dirty word. 
The "repeal and replace Obamacare" bill is legislation built on moral depravity.  Six weeks ago a less egregious bill failed to even come to a vote, largely because the Freedom Caucus of far-right Repugnicans refused to vote for it.  So.... the House leadership got busy and made the bill more deplorable to please those white radical christian supremacist representatives.  And the bill passed with just ONE VOTE over the 216 needed... 217 to 213.  Only 22 Republicans broke ranks.  All the Democrats opposed it.

What would have changed if the House had waited for the Congressional Budget Office to make its report on what the bill would cost?  What would have changed if there'd been time for those representatives to read the bill?  Isn't that what they blamed Democrats for doing when Obamacare passed?  Willful ignorance... the hallmark of Repugnican governance.  

Features of the AHCA:
1. It slashes funding for Medicaid. 
2. Premiums and deductibles will rise.
3. States can opt out of pre-existing conditions coverage at the same price.
4. States can opt out of "essential services" requirements coverage at the same price.
5. It includes a $600 BILLION tax cut for those making $200,000/year, $250,000/year for married couples.  The "individual mandate" has been removed.  No tax credits if you make more than $75K ($150K for families).
6. Hospitals that have been getting more paying customers due to the ACA, and took reduced medicare payments as a trade-off, now will still have those reduced medicare payments but with fewer customers who can afford to pay their bills.  More hospitals will close down, especially those that have been struggling in poor and rural areas.

Call the Senate switchboard operator at (202) 224-3121 and tell your Senator that you strongly oppose this bill. We have to flood Congress with calls in the coming days to ensure this legislation is defeated. Calls are the single most effective way to make a difference.


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